Friday 11 December 2009

Unresolved grief

It is very important for all who have suffered a loss to grieve, adolescents included. The failure to do so can have a huge negative impact ona person's physical and emotional health and / or their capacity to form healthy and lasting relationships.

The majority of adolescents succeed in dealing with grief.
Some don't though and need extra help.

Where can I get this help?

One option is counselling. Barnardos for example offer short-term and long-term therapy. Mater Dei also runs a teen counselling service. Another possibility is to visit a private counsellor. The Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (IACP) have a website where you can search for counsellors by area.
For more information see
Remember to make sure that a counsellor you visit is registered with IACP or a similiar body.

If you think an adolescent is depressed and at risk of self-harm or injury then don't wait. Bring them immediately to your local GP or to the A&E Department of the nearest hospital.

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