Friday 11 December 2009

More information and help

There is plenty of information on grief available, especially grief arising from a death.

Further down on the right-hand side of this blog there are different suggestions on books which may help.

The article by Mary Hynes on Rainbows gives a very good overview of the organisation and the programmes it offers. This article can be downloaded from the Barnardos website; it is available in the free publications section.
Barnardos and The Irish Hospice Foundation have written several excellent leaflets on the subject of grief which can downloaded off their websites. has loads of other suggestions for reading material.

Other sources of help are:
Telephone lines - for example parentline or teenline.

Websites - SpunOut have an excellent section on bereavement, although the website may be more suitable for older adolescents. Teenbetween has a great facility on its website where adolescents can express their emotions and then "dump" them. This can be an excellent way for them to get things off their chest if they don't wish to verbalise them. is another useful website with sections for both parents and teenagers on a whole range of themes, including grief.

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