Tuesday 24 November 2009

Are adolescents affected by loss?

Sadly the answer is yes. One study of 836 adolescents carried out in the North of England in 1994 by T. Branwhite revealed that 61% had lost either a grandparent, sibling or parent. 26% had gone through the divorce or separation of their parents. (Cf. Ch 10 Counselling pupils in schools: skills and strategies for teachers) Closer to home figures from the Central Statistics Office (CSO) in Ireland show that the number of divorced people increased from 35,000 in 2002 to 59,500 in 2006 (an increase of 70%) while the number of lone parents with children increased from 131,000 to 152,500 over the same period. In a press release on 10 May 2007 the CSO concluded that "divorce is the fastest growing marital status." http://www.cso.ie/census/census2006results/volume_2/census_2006_vol_2_press_release.pdf

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